Monday, February 7, 2011


How do countries today promote nationalism? Is there a right way or a wrong way to do this? How do we, specifically in the U.S., promote nationalism? Are you proud to be an American? Why or why not?


  1. Countries today, including us, promote nationalism with flags and patriotic media. Right nationalism is individualized characteristics between nations. Wrong nationalism is enslaving the populace. I am proud to be an American, because while every other country makes the best products, we make the best ideas of all time.

  2. Today countries promote nationalism by all of there political media eg: flags, coins, etc. I think that if you want to promote nationalism then make sure your being unique and having an open mind. If you want to do it wrong then riot/rebel etc, etc. I think the U.S.A promotes it by freedom of speech so everyone gets to grow our country. I am at times proud to be an American and at times am not. I'm proud because we have all this freedom. I'm not proud because theres a price to pay for freedom and a lot of people have died for it.

  3. How countries today promote nationalism is mainly flags but others are international sports can promote nationalism along with money and currency and also having one main language for the country. There isnt really a right or wrong way to promote nationalism but there is just different ways to promote it. How the U.S. promotes nationalism is by our rights and flag. Yes i am proud to be an American because I have my freedom and we fight for what we beleive in.

  4. You can promote nationalism in a number of different ways. By war which we learned about today, also by sports, and flags etc. In America we have nationalism through everything our great country has from the Super Bowl to our strong military. America has a lot of nationalism and we try and show it alot, sometimes to much.In response on am I proud to be an American, Yes for the most part I am. I get a education, I have opportunities that other countries would not. Although thats not saying I agree with decisions that have been made.

  5. Nationalism can be promoted by winning wars, saying good things about the country in the press, or even just by your favorite sports team winnig a big game. It is important to promote nationalism by supporting everyone in the country and not singling anyone out. In the U.S. we show off the American Flag and sports team logos everywhere. People wear sports jerseys to show their support for their team and country. I am proud to be an American because we are very lucky to have a stable government and little or no corruption in society. There are many countries who don't have the privledges that we do, and I am very thankful for what we have. America is a great country and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else!

  6. Countries today promote nationalism with independence days, flags, parades, and national holidays other than independence days. Flags are probably the most used because if people from the U.S go to the olympics, they have a U.S flag, which creates a sense of pride in the country. I'm not sure there's a right or wrong way to do this, I mean, you definitely shouldn't just go around starting wars to promote nationalism, but, through sports or flags is definitely the best way, but it's not like there's an extensive amount of things you can do wrong while promoting nationalism, yes, there are some, but not many. The U.S promotes nationalism with the Fourth of July, our flag, the pledge of allegiance, and also, we have thanksgiving, which other countries don't really have. Of course i'm proud to be an American, I'm proud of who I am and where I come from, I agree with Jilian on how we're lucky to have a stable government and to be a world power. I'm not particularly into sports but of course I'm proud when a sports team of ours wins something. I also don't feel the need to say the pledge every day. (As you would know) But, that's just my point of view and it doesn't mean I'm not proud to be American. I feel safe in the U.S and I'm content with what we are. Of course, people are not always going to agree with laws and such, but we get over it. I'm happy living here.

  7. Nationalism is important because it unites people and makes countires easier to control.We promote nationalism in the U.S with our holidays,coins,flags and our sports teams,which I think are great ways to show nationalism.Other countries promote nationalism by winning wars and by governments agreeing to fight for things or try to fix things that the entire countries needs.Like Bismark ,I don't think that what Bismark did was good though,I know he had good intentions and he was trying to better his own country but by starting a war for no reason when another country isn't ready its just like a kid punching another kid in the face in the hallway just to make his friends happy and think hes cool and tough.So I don't agree with Bismark for that, even if his plan worked. What he did is a perfect example of what I think is a bad way to promote nationalism.
    I think being American has it's benifits and has it's problems like any other country. Some of our benifets are our many job oppertunities and carreers. Also we have good court system and induvidual rights as citizens. Some of our disadvantages are somethings I think need improvments like taking care of our veterans,the homeless and the downtrodden. I think we should focusing on our lands instead of other countries.

  8. Nationalism is promoted in may different ways and one way that is used in many countries is a National flag. i think there is a good and bad way to do this. a bad way is to do what Germany did to start world war II they thought they were the best country and because of that there was the Holocaust. A good way to do it is to do what the U S dose we allow free speech and allow people from other countries come in and pretty much do what they want to make money. And yes i am proud to be an american because we have good education and it is easy to succeed and have a good life here.

  9. I think countries promote nationalism today by their own flags.A bad way to represent nationalism would have to be going to war, fighting, or something like that. A good way to represent nationalism is to root for your country and give people the rights they are able to have. I think we mainly represent the United States with the american flag. Yes I'm proud to be an american because I am able to be educated and will be able to get a job.

  10. Nationalism today is promoted in a number of ways through flags, sports, parades, holidays and wars. I think a bad way to do so is by wars and rebellions. It could be effective in some cases but most of the time it is not. The best way to promote nationalism is through flags, sports ,holidays and democracy. That is how US does it and it is effective and harmless. As of right now, i am not an american citizen but i would be proud if i was because America is a clean and nice country. It gives every child education and every one who lives in america a sense of security.

  11. You can promote nationalism through sports (like the world cup or olympics), through military victories (since you can feel proud that your country is strong), through the media (like army and navy ads and other messages about loving your country), and through celebration of your country's achievements and accomplishments (national holidays are an example). I am proud be an american, because i live in a country where people have equal rights and theres democracy and freedom. I'm not all that proud of America recently. We've done some great things, but the cost of free speech is that anyone, even people with the wrong idea (in my opinion), can make a desicion that affects the country as a whole. Also, the international stereotype for america is a fat person who watches tv all day and is kind of ignorant of other countries. I do like america though, it's a nice place.

  12. Countries promote nationalism in many ways such as their flags, national anthems, sports, and famous landmarks. Flags are important because they represent your country and they have symbols and colors that have a certain meaning to your country. The next thing is national anthems. This is important because it's in your country's language and people feel a sense of pride when they hear their national anthem at an event such as the Olympics. Sports are important because, like i said before, when your country wins in the Olympics, people feel pride that they are from the same country as a gold medalist. A good example of how sports help a country's nationalism is in the movie Invictus when they used rugby to unit a country. Famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty, the Great Wall of China, and the Big Ben Tower are important to promote nationalism because people become proud to be from that country when it's represented by famous landmarks that some people travel around the world to see.
    There are right and wrong ways to promote nationalism. The wrong way would be by force or through war. War does create nationalism because we support out troops, but I don't think violence should be used to promote nationalism. In the USA, we promote nationalism through sports, the flag, and saying the pledge of allegiance every morning at school. Finally, I am proud to be an American because I think I'm very lucky to live in this country where I get an education while many other countries don't have as much as we do.

  13. Countries promote nationalism in many different ways, including flags, coins, holidays, sports, and war. A good way to promote nationalism is through flags, sports, holidays, etc. A not as good way to promote nationalism is by going to war. Although winning wars can promote nationalism, there are other ways to do it that don't involve violence. In the U.S., some ways that we support nationalism are by rooting for sports teams, saying the pledge of allegiance each morning in school, and celebrating things like independence day and thanksgiving. For the most part, I am proud to be an American. I have a good education, lots of freedom, and feel safe here. There's not too much more I would ask for.

  14. Today, countries promote nationalism with traditions such as independence day's that their countries won in the past. Additionally, battles, wars are remembered and celebrated in the country that caused a drastic change for them. People show their flag that represent their own country and hold parades, fair's, march's through the streets and occansionally sing and dance of their culture. People may wear clothing of there lifestyle in support of their nation's past and idea's.These topics declares how dedicated and loving they are towards their home country.
    In America, we salute to our flag every school morning, which clearly shows the need of devotion to the U.S. because it has become a routine for most American's and know the pledge of Allegiance by heart, not even thinking about it. The common tradition is to hold your hand over your heart to show the love for your country and for the people who fought and gave their lives for it. Before an important sports game, someone would be assigned to sing the Star spangle banner song, a great traditional song of America and independence. In almost every American School there is an American Flag hanging over in almost every room (except bathroom). It demonstrates the wide range of effect that American nationalism has over is people. World wide games are held in the Olympics also, where talented people from countries compete in a number of different activities in which most people watch, cheering on their own country to feel they're the best and brag about it.
    I feel to be proud to be an American because it is indeed the land of opportunity where school is optional and the country reaches out to help people with insurance and services. But most of all, this country along with 99% of the rest of the world fought for it's independence and to secure a better future for all who live there.

  15. I think countries promote nationalism with their iconic flags, sports, and ad infinitum other methods of bringing people together. The line between good and bad nationalism is a thin one, and a position can be easily moved by how an event or action is described. Pledging allegiance to the flag may be a symbol of patriotism, but also a symbol of forcing people into submitting to a nation; which can admittedly have adverse effects. Sports and war are similar in the sense that they bring a group of supporters together against a common enemy, in support of their own team, or in the case of war, country. I personally am proud to be an American, as well as being proud of being myself in any other way. It is who I am.

  16. America can promote nationalism many different ways. Especially, if America is a free country. Different varieties of religions and cultures live together in peace. Although American economics are giving in, Americans know how to make it last and enjoy life while they can. Most holidays and gatherings give thanks to America and the heroes that represents America. I'm proud to be an American citizen. I have faith and pride in my country. Other countries might look down on America, but they criticize and complain too much. Although America was a later discovered country, it has gone through a lot to get this far in the past hundreds of years.

  17. Nationalism is something that every country wants to have. The ways of obtaining it has changed over the years. In the olden days there where three maine ways of creating nationalism. First, if your country won a war this would create nationalism. Second, if the people are uniting to fight against the government and they succed. Third, uniting the country to kick out a forign invadors. These are the three maine ways of promating notionalism in the older days. In the US at this time in history (2010) the ways of promoting nationalism are different than they used to be. Many holidays create nationalism, for example vererins day and presidents day. Another way is through sports for example the world cup, the olymics, or the X games because the sports players are representing the US. Another way is when the news tells the world about what the government has been up to. When a new government official is chosen it creats nationalism because the people had the power to chose the new official. The most simple way is to just see a flag which odamaticaly makes you proud to live in the US. FInaly the US's military, navy, airforce and marines make everyone get nationalism! This is how the world used to create nationalism and how we do it today in the US. For all of these reasons I love living in the US and wouldnt want to live anywhere else (except maybe somewhere warmer)!
    These ways of getting nationalism for the most part are used all around the world to promote nationalism, it dosn't really very to much between countries around the world. I dont think that there is any way that is just better than all the others but having all the things the US has going on all at once will always create nationalism in the US.

  18. i think that mostly, army comercials are nationalsm promotions because they are saying army strong and that the army is awesome. i am proud of usa because we actually do have a strong army and we are a free country

  19. Most countries print money with government symbols and important people on them. They have parades, and holidays in honor of that country and its history. It can go wrong if it turns into Social Darwinism and war. I am proud to be an American. We are a free country, we sacrifice our lives for other people, and we are the "Land of Opportunity". We might have our problems, especially with racism, dirty politics, and immigration, but we can learn from our mistakes.
