Thursday, May 12, 2011

Killing Bin Laden

Last week, the U.S. rejoiced with the news of the death of public enemy number one, Osama Bin Laden. People flowed into city streets and cheered, sports arenas celebrated with "God Bless America" and even here at AHS, students and staff marched onto the front lawn to say the Pledge of Allegience. Yes, he was number one on the FBI's most wanted list, but even after news of Hitler's suicide in 1945, people didn't celebrate in the same manner as we did last week. Do you think it was right to celebrate the death of Bin Laden in the way we did in the U.S.?


  1. I don't think that it was right for the U.S. to celebrate in the way that they did. I think that it was a very un-ethical thing to do. The worst part about it though is the fact that those who want revenge for Osamas death will just want even more revenge then they already do.

  2. Yes I do think that it was right for the way we celebrated last week. He has taken the lives of many U.S. citizens and it was also a good showing of our nationalism to our country. The way I feel is Hitler was a horrible person but he technically didnt target the U.S. personaly like Ossama did Hitler wanted the Jews and so when he died it was good but we did not rejoice as much as when Ossama did because of 9/11 was an attack on the U.S. that he planned and that is why I think we clebrated so much.

  3. Yes i think it was the right thing for us to celebrate Bin Landens death thye way we did. I think this because he took so many of U.S. lives in many different ways. If 9/11 never happend i don't think that we would have celebrated as much as we did. This proves that we have nationalism in our country.

  4. It was okay to celebrate, but I think some celebration went a little bit overboard. Of course he was public emeny number one, but what about all of the other Al-Queda members that are still alive? They could know all about Bin Laden's future plans and pull it through, potentially causing even more destruction to the U.S. than 9/11. It is great that Bin Laden is dead, but instead of celebrating too much, we should focus on killing the rest of Al-Queda. The terrorist group as a whole, not just Bin laden, are really public enemy nmber 1.

  5. I think it was okay to celebrate Osama Bin Laden's death, since he did kill many people on 9/11 causing much sadness to many families. I also think that if he wasn't on the FBI's most wanted list, I don't think america would have celebrated as much as we did. I do think it was good to celebrate Bin Laden's death, just not so intensely.

  6. There are two ways to look at this question. It is debatable, and it is hard for me to decide whether or not it is right for the U.S. people to cheer about Bin Laden's death.
    There are radical muslims that worked for Bin Laden, or look up to him, which may be in numbers that we don't know. The U.S. cheering of this death may greatly anger any other terrorist organizations out in the Middle East. We, the american people, risk the danger of our future in possible further attacks from Al-Quida.
    However, when the two planes hit the world trade center towers and they collapsed and thousands of innocent people died, Al-Ouieda, or muslims or Arabs were cheering american deaths. So we have every right to cheer as well. Also, justice has been served and we should cheer for the families who lost their loved ones to a horrible operation by Osama Bin Laden.
    Revenge? or Justice? it can be seen from any perspective.

  7. I do not think it was right to celebrate as much as we did. We only killed one man out of thousands maybe more. After nearly 10 years we finally killed the man we got into this war to kill. Great lets celebrate! God bless America! Well think about it from the Al Qaeda's perspective the US flies in and assassinates your leader. Is the US allowed to go into a foreign country and kill this evil man? I am sure if Al Qaeda came in and killed our leader we would not stand by and overlook the situation for long. So we can expect more threats from Al Qaeda and other Bin Laden supporters. I would not be surprised if another fatal attack is carried through by terrorists on The United States. The supporters of Bin Laden's hatred toward the US will only increase with each leader we target.
    We should have killed Bin Laden smoothly without attracting to much attention just have people know without celebration, because the more we celebrate the more Al Qaeda will hate us. We should put more focus on how to annihilate the rest Al Qaeda quickly and finish what we started in the middle east and bring troops back home.

  8. When you ask "Was it right", it implies the question, "Are we supposed to?".
    I think its human nature to celebrate the "end" of something impactful to your life, good or bad. So natural order dictates that it is not unnatural for us to celebrate. However, this doesn't mean we are supposed to. There are three theories that I have: one, that the people are celebrating Osama bin Ladin's death. Two, that they are celebrating the end, or near end, to the horrors of his reign, Al Quida, and terrorism. Three being both. I think that the second theory is "right" and the first theory is a little unsettling, but justified. The third is obviously both.

  9. I really think it's not a big deal to celebrate the death of someone who has attacked and killed thousands of innocent american lives for no reason at all. There is one thing that comes to mind though, if we put ourselves in their position, and if our enemy celebrates the death of our leader by running around and cheering in the streets, we would not like it at all, and definitely plan revenge. So it was not wrong to celebrate the death of Osama, but now that we have, we need to watch our back because the Alkiedas are probably planing revenge.

  10. i think after what he did and the giant man-hunt all these years gives us the right to celebrate. i can especially see the point of view of someone who lost a family member in 9-11. they would be celebrating the most and i think they have a right to. but i have the feeling that they want to get us back for that.

  11. I think that Osama Bin Laden should have had his death celebrated because he should have died because he is a total waste of space and of life. Not even his mother could love him after what he did, and I am happy that he has bit the entrail-laden, bloodied dust, cause he's an awful, awful man, and he should have died when Bush the Stupid was President.

  12. I think that Osama Bin Laden should have had his death celebrated because he should have died because he is a total waste of space and of life. Not even his mother could love him after what he did, and I am happy that he has bit the entrail-laden, bloodied dust, cause he's an awful, awful man, and he should have died when Bush the Stupid was President.

  13. No, I don't think that it was right for the US people to celebrate the way that we did at the hearing of the death of Osama Bin Laden. This is because just because he was killed does not need a celebration. The US has killed one terrorist, out of thousands. He may be one of the most important but there is no reason that we should celebrate. Now that the US has killed Osama Bin Laden the US may be in even more danger than when he was alive. This is because even though in the past he did some awful things (like bomb the twin towers). There is no evidence that he was still doing these things, and making plots. He should have been arrested and put threw the legal system just like every other wrong doing person. Also be killing him the US has enraged many other terrorists causing the US to be under attack. This may push some of his followers off the edge and cause them to follow in his footsteps and attack the US. The way that the US celebrated his death was not the smartest thing to do because it was putting the US citizens in danger. This is why the US should not have celebrated Osama Bin Laden's death.

  14. I don't think it was right for people to pour into the streets and celebrate like we just won a war or something. Yeah, go ahead and celebrate by being proud or singing the national anthem or something of the sort, but I think that a lot of people went overboard. Murder isn't something to celebrate. Yes, this is one step forward in the war on terror, but if you believe that to get revenge for Al Qaeda killing thousands of U.S citizens on 9/11, you have to kill thousands of Al Qaeda members, then there's still plenty of people to kill. So celebrating the death of one when we have thousands more to go isn't quite worth it in my opinion.

  15. I don't think that celebrating anyones death is right. Even if he had planned an attack on the United States and killed many people, we should not have celebrated killing him. It's like the proverb 'an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.' I don't support revenge, and it seems too many people do to be able to end the war on terror. If terror is going to end, it wont end by more fighting.

  16. I think it was okay to celebrate his death a little, since he did kill thousands of innocent Americans, but I don't think it was okay to celebrate to the extent we did. Pouring into the streets and cheering was not at all necessary. In fact, celebrating this much is just going to make the rest of the Al-Qaeda members want revenge even more. We really shouldn't be celebrating until we eliminate the rest of the Al-Qaeda members, and even then, we shouldn't celebrate as much as we did with Bin Ladin's death.

  17. i thinnk it was okay to an extent.I do believe that we should have celebrated his death because he was the most wanted man i the world and he killed hundreds of people on 9/11. I do believe people went a bit to far with the celebrating. Its not like we ended world hunger or something that would mark the end to a terrible phase in the world. We just killed one man and now AL quieda is going to want revenge on the US now so it wasn't all good.

  18. I think it's fine to celebrate that terrorists have less power now and that everyone's a little more safe. however, really people are just celebrating the fact that one person, Osama Bin Laden, is dead. That seems wrong to me; you shouldn't celebrate that someone's dead, even if they were a terrible person. I hear about the people singing "joy to the world, Bin Laden is dead" and it makes me a little sick, actually.
