Thursday, May 12, 2011

Dropping the Bomb

Considering the options that President Truman had when making the decision to use the atomic bomb, do you think President Truman made the correct decision, or do you think he should have gone in a different direction? Explain. Also, now that we know the long term effects of using nuclear weapons, do you think the U.S. owes the Japanese an apology for using the bombs? Why or why not?


  1. I think that president Truman did make the right decision in dropping the bomb on a civilian site. I think that is was the right decision because we didn't want to risk 750,000- 1,000,000 troops on an invasion. Since Russia had joined the war the U.S. got more and more worried that they would try to spread communism, so the U.S. wanted to end the war fast. Since we needed to end the war fast we couldn't just continue to fire bomb. Also we couldn't demonstrate the bomb because we didn't have the time to risk it failing.

    I believe that we do owe Japan an apology for dropping the bombs on them because its still live lost but I believe that they need to apologize for pearl harbor.

  2. I think that President Truman did make the right decision in dropping the atomic bomb we made this bomb to use and that is what we did. Also we didnt want to risk the amount of troops that could have been lost if we did not drop the bomb and decided to invade. No I do not think that the U.S. owes Japan an apology because we were at war and we did what we had to do to win and most likely they would have done the same thing if they had the aomic bomb. They were an enemy at the time.

  3. I do not think that it was the right idea to drop the first bomb on a civilian sight. I think that he should have dropped the first bomb on a military point that was a key asset for the Japanese army to weaken it so that they have nothing to fight with. And if that didn't work then he should have dropped it on a civilian sight. And no i do not think that we owe Japan an apology because we were in war and if they had the same technology as we did they would have probably would have used it on a civilian target to.

  4. I think Truman did make the right decision in dropping the atomic bomb. During this time, Japan was very agressive. An atomic bomb was the only way to prove U.S. authority, and it was fast. At this point the we didn't want to risk our U.S. troops in an invasion that may or may not pay off. The atomic bomb assured no U.S. lives were lost and it would cause total chaos, bringing a surrender quickly and potentially harmless for the U.S.

    However, I do think we owe Japan an apology for the civilians dying now because of radiation. We didn't know that the effects would last so long so we should apologize for all the lives lost long after the fact. I don't think we should have done anything different in order to win the war though, I think dropping the atomic bomb was the right decision.

  5. I think President Truman did make the right decision to drop the atomic bomb, because I think that it showed the Japanese how much power we had and that we could do a good amount of damage.I also, think that if we wanted to end the war quickly, that the atomic bomb was a good idea, once again. I do think that we owe Japan an apology though, since we know the long term effects, and we should also, apoligize for all of the lives that were taken.

  6. It was the right decision to drop "the bomb". The US was so desperate to end the war and destroy the Japanese. We warned Japan that if they did not surrender that we would drop the bomb so they had a chance. It was very effective in ending the war very quickly which was great. Although the Japanese suffered many casualties not only from the bombing but also from the war in the Pacific. We owe Japan an apology because we did kill thousands of innocent people but it was really the only way out. Its there fault that they did not surrender before the bomb was dropped. But in almost all situations nuclear war is not the best idea

  7. I think President Truman made a decision. Either way, civilians, and just people in general would be killed in the masses. It was a choice-less choice, in the words of Elizer Wiesel. Also, they didn't know about the radioactivity and the slow death. On Bikini Island, troops literally walked around on ships and mainland that had minutes before just been bombed. So they didn't really know the extent of it. I do think we owe them an apology. We acted without knowing the full effects of the bomb, and no matter how good of a choice it was for us, the millions of civilians that we killed had nothing to do with the fighting.

  8. President Harry Truman did indeed make the correct decision in dropping the atomic bomb on Japan. This is because the impact of the atomic bomb would be so terrifying and damaging that it would be almost likely for the Japanese to surrender or for the emperor to step in (which happened). Also, the other options would result in devastation. the continuance of firebombing only wastes money and isn't powerful enough or effective in getting the Japanese to surrender. Additionally, an invasion of Japan estimated 750,000 to 1 million American casualties, supplies and two years which would ruin America. So, Truman had to pick an option which would result in the least amount of Ally/ American deaths.
    Japan doesn't deserve an apology. Yes hundred of thousands of innocent people were killed, but by the Japanese country/military entering a war and not stopping, they risked the lives of there own people. When a country puts themselves into war, they put their own people in the war. Japan did just that. The people should've done something or revolted. The Japanese also took thousands of our troops and Truman had to end the war, by any means necessary. If we were to apologize to them, they'd have to owe us one in return.

  9. I think President Truman made the right decision by dropping the bomb on the civilian site. That was the only way to end the war quickly with the least amount of casualties and president Truman did it correctly. If he had not done it, the war would have dragged on for years before losing about a million american troops and probably the entire Japanese population. Dropping the Atom bomb might have killed about 100,000 Japanese citizens but it was the best option he had in his position and I think he chose very wisely considering he had only a few months of presidential experience.
    I do not think U.S owns them an apology because, U.S was the one country that was not greedy and wanted the whole world for themselves, U.S has always been one of the richest countries and they have helped millions of poor lives around the world and has started tons of charitable organizations. So, U.S basically have made up to the Japanese already and they were the ones who started the war in the first place.

  10. i think that the japanese just wouldnt give up unless we did somthing drastic like dropping two bombs. they just kept fighting until the point that they would do suicide missions. the choice he made was the best out of all of for the appology, i think we do owe them an appology because of the long term affects of the bomb and now that we are allies i think its nessicary.

  11. I think that we should apologize to the Japanese for the devastating death and madness of the atomic Bomb dropping on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I think this because they have been through a lot and deserve a bit more good will.

  12. President Trueman made the right choices in bombing the Japanese with the atomic bomb, when he did and where he did it. This is because with the information he had the US would loose around a million lives if they tried to attack Japan. Also there were no signs of the Japanese even considering the idea of giving up so dropping a bigger bomb that will do more damage while saving more lives made the most sense.
    The Japanese expect an apology from the US for dropping a bomb on Japan. I don't think that the US should give them an apology. This is because we had no reason to give them an apology, this is because it was there fault that the US had to bomb them. They refused to give in and surrender so the US had to bomb and kill them. This is why the US should not have to give the Japanese an apology.

  13. I think considering the circumstances, President Truman made the right decision. In the end it comes down to defending your country. Our other option was to invade Japan and risk losing millions of troops. Not only are those millions of troops part of the military, but they're part of families. Ultimately, the best choice was to drop the bomb. But, because we did drop the bomb, I believe we do owe the Japanese and apology because the side effects of the bomb affected Japan for years after it was dropped.

  14. I don't think that killing so many people was right. Sure, it saved some American lives, but Americans aren't the only people in the world. How I see it, the choice was a difficult one not to make.. But to kill so many innocent people isn't forgivable.
    I think it's terrible to have denied an apology to Japan. The bomb that was dropped killed a significant number of people, and caused the slow painful death of many after that. Refusing to apologize is childish and selfish, because nobody deserves that. Peoples families died, friends, and just to end the war. I think the opinions of the class would be very different if the US was in their place, and bombs were dropped on New York and Boston. The people in the cities were just that- People. Not just 'The Enemy.' It's awful not to recognize that.

  15. I believe President Truman chose the right option by dropping the atomic bomb in Japan. Although it effected them a lot, it was the only way to stop the war between Japan and America. If America continued to firebomb, they wouldn't gain anything. They cannot invade Japan b/c of their suicidal attacks. I think it was a wise choice to stop continuing the war by finishing it off with a weapon to end war.
    But I do believe USA owes an apology to Japan for their expenses and repairs. They also lost 100,000+ people from just two bombs. USA did interfere with the trade by threatening them they would stop buying exports if they continue to attack China. Then again, I believe that Japan shouldn't be the only country to receive an apology, they owe USA an apology by bombing Pearl Harbor and starting the whole mess.

  16. I think President Truman made the right decision by dropping the atomic bomb. It was the quickest and most effective way to end the war. It saved many American lives, and showed off our power to the world. We also didn't want to waste the $2 billion dollars we spent on research and development of the bomb. I do, however, think that the U.S. owes Japan an apology, now that we know the long-term effects the bomb had on Japan.

  17. I believe President Truman made the right descion. At the time The Japanese leaders were stupid and it was there fault. They could have surrender and they chose not to. Truman told them about the bomb and they ignored it. America also had to take away all hope from the Japanese to win the war and this was one way without putting American soldiers lives at risk. I understand why people from Japan would want an apology and I think we should apologize but I still think it was the right descition though.

  18. I think instead of bombing civilians, it would have been better to attack the military with the bomb. Killing the military with the bomb might not have immediately ended the war because the people in charge were a little crazy, but we had two bombs, and more where they came from. we could simply kill the military until there were none of them left, if Japan didn't surrender by then. That way, we only kill the people that want to kill us. Also, an apology is owed, not really to the government, but to the japanese people for killing so many, especially to those whose family and friends were killed by the Bomb.
