Friday, June 3, 2011

Who's responsible for the Holocaust?

Are there different heights of responsiblity for the Holocaust? Who do you think deserves the blame and how much of the blame do they deserve?


  1. I think that most of the blame should go to the Nazis and all those who actually partook in the killing. I also believe that all the citizens who had some idea of what was going on and decided to be bystanders do deserve some of the blame but it is semi-understandable because the citizens would be fearful of their safety if they tried to do anything.

  2. I think that the Holocaust should be blamed on all SS Officers and Nazis who had involvement in the concentration camps or in persecution of Jews. Also, any government officials who helped Hitler maybe write or come up with anti-semitism laws should be punished. I think that their roles in the Holocaust should determine their sentence. For example, SS officers who were in concentration camps should be sentenced with the death penalty, while other people who played more minor roles should have to do jail time.

  3. There are indeed levels of blame that people hold based upon their Holocaust involvement.
    At the most (the top), resides Adolf Hitler, the man in charge of the secret government operation and for using propaganda to make the Jews look horrible; such as brainwashing most Germans minds. He was in command and chose his actions to exterminate the Jews (gave orders to do so), therefore he deserves the most blame.
    In the middle lies the Nazi's responsible for slaughtering the Jews within the concentration camps. Even though they were given orders by a higher power, there are higher laws than those of Hitler, such as killing innocent people is wrong and should never occur. The Nazi's should have refused such orders. Although, their blame is lessened because higher government officials poisoned their minds with the attempt to frame Jews as the problems, and making it a necessity to exterminate them all.
    At the bottom, least blame, the people around the world that knew about the Holocaust. They play the role of the bystander who watches the perpetrators actions to a victim and does nothing about it (calls for help). The people of the U.S., Germany, and even political leaders knew something about the extermination and harsh treatment. They let their fellow human-being be slaughtered and left to suffer. The people should have ignored their dislike for Jews and realize that they are people just like themselves and deserve life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

  4. I think that all SS Officers and Nazis who participated in the concentration camps or in persecution of Jews should be blamed for the Holocaust. I agree with Jilian on the fact that any government officials who helped Hitler write or come up with anti-semitism laws should be blamed as well. I think people stationed in concentration camps, such as SS oficers, deserve most of the blame. Political figures deserve blame, but to a lesser extent.

  5. all of the blame should be shared equaly among the ss stroops who were the actual people killing the jews. the other people were off fighting in war but not killing innocent jews

  6. Any Nazis who willingly took part in the planning and execution of the Holocaust should be punished, and anyone else who felt and expressed their hatred towards Jews, or made anti-semitism laws like Jillian said, should also be held responsible. Although it is partially the German population's bad for not doing anything about it, the Nazis were a machine that really could only be stopped if the entire country rose up in defiance, and that wasn't going to happen, because standing up for yourself in that situation is something I know I couldn't do, and I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't either. It's the German people's fault, but their situation is pretty easy to sympathize with, so they aren't blamed nearly as much as the people who envisioned the camps, ran the camps, and willingly and happily murdered thousands of jews.

  7. I think that the high ranking nazis who helped exterminate or took part in the actual killing are responsible. If you worked in the SS in a concentration camp should you be executed or imprisoned. Also the high ranking nazis like Hitler and Himmler even though they did not take part in the slaughter should receive death penalty, even though they committed suicide. Even though some of the SS just said they were following orders, I think to even take part in such a thing is not a bright idea. I think the SS and their cruelty toward Jews deserve death without a doubt. Higher laws also put in a big factor. Humans are not meant to kill but they can be trained.

  8. The one who's really responsible for the holocaust is of course Adolf Hitler because he was the one who planned and executed it but since he is dead, it is hard to find someone on whom you can blame completely for the holocaust. During that time, Jews were considered servants of the devil and stuff like that so basically, Germans hated Jews. Not only Hitler but also normal German civilians. The German soldiers at that time did take part in the holocaust and did indeed murdered Jews but you can't really blame them. Well you can but they are not the ones responsible for the holocaust. Hitler was and as the SS officer said, "they were just following orders". That was what they were trained for. Soldiers are trained to kill people and especially your enemies and during that time, Jews were considered enemies. Now i am not saying the holocaust was the right thing to do but i am saying that it is really hard to blame someone for the holocaust with Hitler being dead. I think, if you really need to blame someone, the high ranking generals or the SS commanders in the concentration camps should be blamed.

  9. I believe that there are different heights of blame, starting with Hitler, the initial instigator. Below him were many levels of people taking orders- all too scared to stand up to their higher ups. Military training calls for obedience over personal morals, or nothing would get done because of troops pondering the morality of a situation. It is the responsibility of higher- ups to determine what is right for a country, but in this case the highest up wanted to kill millions, and so everyone under his command followed suit. It is harder to fight back if you have more power, and more responsibility. Fear of disgrace stays among the entire pyramid of power, and all along people are convinced there will be someone also to take their place if they resist or choose to stop. Nobody did resist, or stand up, so theoretically it's everyones fault. All over the world, people didn't act, and were ready to blame each other for staying back.

  10. I think the people to blame are the higher ranks in the army because the soldiers were just following orders. To the soldiers it was follow the orders and kill the Jews or don't and be killed that is following orders. Also there are different heights of responsibility for what happened during the holocaust. So only the SS officers that killed the Jews and liked killing the Jew should be held responsible. I know that it would be very hard o actually find who like to kill them but that is who should be held accountable for these crimes.

  11. The higher officers and the soldiers are the ones to blame for the Holocaust because they are to instruct orders and the soldiers are told what to do. The soldiers are just told what to do, they are trained to become listeners and not conductors. They are, however, responsible because they did not stood up for a change. The bystanders outside the military are also involved for the blame because they do not want to be shunned for disagreeing against the government.

  12. I think that the SS officers should be punished because they actually did those crimes. The bystanders did nothing, so they are unimportant.
